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How Prism Digital used geofencing to increase memberships during the expansion of Average Joe’s Fitness

The Client

Established in 2015, Average Joe’s began its journey as a small, independent business dedicated to making exceptional strength and fitness programming accessible to all. Having been presented with the opportunity to expand, the company moved to a much larger facility at the beginning of 2024.

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The Challenge

Due to a high population of gyms in the area, the client needed a strategy to increase their number of members and fill the new facility:

  • They wanted to increase their number of high-ticket memberships
  • They wanted to deliver exclusive deals and personalized experiences for customers in their area
  • Having affiliated with Hyrox, they wanted to make locals aware of their ‘Hyrox Official Gym’ status


The Solution

Seeing an opportunity to achieve next level relevance and precision using geofencing, Prism Digital provided Paid Search Services which included pay-per-click (PPC) ads and ads in social media feeds:

1. Design locations with pinpoint accuracy

Using geofencing Ads, we drew a digital “fence” around the new gym’s location, serving passers-through with relevant display ads on their devices. We also took advantage of the competitor locations by using Device ID and conquest targeting.

2. Deliver exclusive deals and personalized experiences for customers in the area

We used geofencing to advertise ‘FREE TRIAL’ sessions when potential customers were in the nearby area. Utilizing the company’s app, we were able to send push notifications alerting existing and past members near the location of current deals on high-ticket memberships.

3. Pool audiences by interest

In order to attract individuals interested in ‘Hyrox Official’ gyms, we used advanced location targeting based on real-world movements. This involved placing ads directly in the hands of individuals attending Hyrox events and competitions in and around the gym’s local area.


The Outcome

Let's delve into the numbers from our geofencing ads and Google Ads campaign over the course of February, March, and April. Here's what the data tells us:

Sales Performance

The gym’s sales figures climbed over the three-month period, showcasing the effectiveness of our advertising strategies. In February, we brought in £9206.08 in total sales, which saw a modest increase to £9320.7 in March, and then a significant jump to £10,079.47 in April. This consistent growth demonstrates the impact our ads are having on driving consumer engagement and conversion.

New Member Acquisition

Alongside the rise in sales, we also saw a notable increase in new member sign-ups. February welcomed 24 new members, March saw 32, and April topped the charts with 57 new additions to the Average Joe’s community. These numbers indicate that our advertising efforts are not only attracting attention but also converting prospective customers into active participants.

Overall Impact

Combining the sales and new member acquisition data, it's clear that our geofencing ads and Google Ads are delivering tangible results. The upward trajectory in sales revenue coupled with the growing number of new members reflects the effectiveness of our advertising initiatives in expanding our reach and driving business growth.


In conclusion, the data speaks volumes about the success of our advertising campaign. With continued optimization and refinement, we can further capitalize on this momentum to solidify our position in the market and achieve sustained success.

Next Steps

Given the positive growth observed over the past three months, especially with the impending opening of the new gym location, we are committed to maintaining our geofencing and Google Ads strategies. With the expanded space, we anticipate even greater reach and engagement, and we'll leverage these advertising channels to maximize our impact in the larger community.

Alongside our continued efforts in geofencing and Google Ads, implementing lead nurture emails will further enhance our overall marketing approach. This personalized touch will help us cultivate relationships with potential customers, guiding them through their fitness journey and ultimately driving conversions.

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