Prism Digital Blog

Your Simple Checklist for a Flawless Website Launch

Written by Georgi Ellison | Oct 6, 2024 9:18:54 AM

Launching a website is like throwing a party—you want everything to be perfect for your visitors! You’ve put in the hard work, and now it’s time for that big reveal. But before you hit that "Publish" button, let’s make sure nothing goes wrong. Here’s a super simple website launch cheat sheet, containing everything you need and nothing you don’t! 

1. Content Double-Check: Typos Are a Party Crasher

  • Spelling and Grammar: Give your copy one last proofread.
  • Up-to-Date Information: Are your prices, dates, and offers correct?
  • Test All Links: Nobody likes a dead link—check every one!

2. Mobile-Ready? Your Guests Are Coming from All Devices!

  • Responsive Design: Make sure it looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Touch-Friendly: Buttons should be thumb-friendly. No squinting or precise tapping!

3. Speed Test: Don't Let Visitors Wait in Line

  • Page Load Speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to make sure your website loads fast.
  • Compress Images: Make sure images are optimized for quick loading without quality loss.

4. SEO: Get on Google’s VIP List

  • Meta Titles & Descriptions: Write killer titles and meta descriptions for every page.
  • Keywords & Tags: Have you optimized for relevant keywords? Think like your audience!

5. Analytics & Tracking: Let’s Get Data Nerdy

  • Google Analytics: Set it up to track who’s coming and what they’re doing.
  • Conversion Goals: Define key goals to track—like signing up or purchasing.

6. Forms & Functionality: Test All the RSVP Cards

  • Contact Forms: Test submissions—did it work, and where did the email land?
  • Shopping Cart & Payment: If you have e-commerce, go through the purchase process.

7. Security: Keep the Party Crashers Out

  • SSL Certificate: Make sure your website is secure (https).
  • Back-Up Everything: Just in case there’s an unexpected glitch, have a backup ready.

8. Social Media & Sharing: Get Ready to Spread the Word

  • Social Links: Ensure all your links to social profiles are correct.
  • Open Graph Tags: Make sure shared links look great on social media with the right images and text.

9. 404 Page Check: Don't Leave Anyone Lost

  • Custom 404 Page: Create a fun and helpful 404 page in case visitors get lost. It’s all about turning mistakes into a good experience.

10. Final Once-Over: Fresh Eyes Matter

  • Beta Test: Have a few friends or team members give it a final run-through. They’ll catch what you might’ve missed.

Launch Day Plan: Let’s Make Some Noise!

That's a Wrap!

You did it! With this checklist, your website is set for a seamless launch—one that’s ready to wow visitors, convert like crazy, and make all that hard work worth it.

Need help ticking off these boxes? At Prism Digital, we love nothing more than a flawless launch. Get in touch, and let’s make your site a showstopper!